Hydroponics and marijuana
Hydroponics is a method of cultivation plants without soil. Instead it we are used substrate and nutrient solution. The solution for growing cannabis in hydroponics contains all necessary minerals for the plant. The plant does not have to spend energy to find water or nutrition, how is when you growth in soil or soil mixtures.
All the potential is directed to the development of it’s about the earth part, which positively affects the growth rate of marijuana in hydroponics. It grows faster, larger and brings more yield.
The cultivation of autoflowering cannabis varieties seeds in hydroponics is not practically different from the cultivation of photoperiodic seeds. The difference is on time of planting seeds and providing them with actual light modes.
What solution do you need for growing cannabis in hydroponics?
Marijuana nutrient solution in hydroponics should contain all the necessary utilities for a healthy plant grow and life. The principal components for the nutrient substrate are: nitrogen (N), sulfur (S), phosphorus (P), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and potassium (K), as well as trace elements: boron (B), molybdenum (Mo), iron (Fe), copper (Cu), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn) and chlorine (Cl).
To make this solution yourself is so simple. Modern fertilizer manufacturers have taken care of this. It is enough to buy special fertilizers for hydroponics, which will contain nutrients and important elements that they need. The best companies of fertilizes are HESI, GHE and Plagron. They sell special concentrates that are diluted in water. The proportions of creating a solution for growing marijuana in hydroponics are indicated in the instructions that come with all concentrates.

Another important think in creating a solution for growing cannabis on hydroponics is the level of acidity (pH) and electrical conductivity (EC). Using the pH level, you can control the quantity of ions of the elements that marijuana needs for healthy growth. Good cannabis seeds growth in a hydroponic solution will be the pH near 5.5-6.5. The ideal value of this indicator is in the range of 5.8-6.0. The fluctuations of pH by 0.5 will not make the problems. The nutrients in the solution are more accessible for the plant than in the soil, because they are absorbed faster. That is why control of the pH level is carried out once or twice a day, so it will be right.
Using the EC indicator of the solution, the concentration of nutrients (salts) in it is determined. This value has to be always on a stabile level so that the plant does not suffer from an overabundance of substances. The change of the EC indicator is affected by the rate of absorption of nutrients of the roots and the evaporation of water that is why it changes. This indicator is measured in millisimps per 1 centimeter (mS / cm). The best value of it is in the range from 0.75 to 2.0, and the maximum allowed should not exceed 3.0.
The important things of cannabis seeds germination for hydroponics at home
If germination of marijuana seeds starts before the plant is transferred to hydroponics, it is necessary that the sprout grows to 5-7 cm. Only then you can transfer it to hydroponics. The plant is carefully removed from the soil and the root system will not damage. Then the soil remaining on the roots is washed off with not so cold water and the plant does not receive stress. Now it is ready for removing into a substrate. It is better to place the plant in a dry substrate, and put small portions into a container with a sprout that is held by the hands. The substrate is poured until the sprout is firmly fixed in it. After the removing, you can immediately add the first part of the nutrient solution.
In cases of seeds germination in hydroponics, it is best to use coconut fiber, it is an organic substrate. It better to retain the nutrients, moisture and trace elements, because the sprout needs them in the first days of life. As soon as the first roots come out of the seed, it needs to be fixed. For this, it is better to use expanded clay. It just needs to be sprinkled on top. The using of a nutrient solution can begin when the sprout grows up to 5-7 cm.
Tips and tricks from professional growers to grow cannabis on hydroponic.

• If a sprout is placed in a hydroponic system begins to strongly stretch, then you need to add a substrate to fix it and increase the level of illumination and the sprout will not need to reach for light. Better to do it round-the-clock;
• The temperature of the solution should not rise above +21 degrees and cold below +16. In the first case, the oxygen content will decrease and rot will be on the roots, in the second - the plant will be in stress;
• The pH is the same as on the recommendations for the variety;
• Is better to use an air pump to enrich the solution with oxygen;
• The leaves should be periodically sprayed with water or a weak solution, it remains to be clean and the photosynthesis will process better;
• Humidity should be between 40% and 60%;
• The solution capacity must always be closed to prevent mold inside;
• The air temperature should not be exceeding than +32 degrees. A favorable temperature is +27 degrees;
• You have to change the solution at least once every two weeks;
• In the last two weeks before the harvest, it is better to use a weak solution or just clean water. This will eliminate the bitterness from the taste of inflorescences;
• The substrate in the hydroponic system must always be moist.
You can buy cannabis seeds for growing on hydroponics by going to the collection section.
* All this information is for informational purposes only and is not a guide or call to action.
** We remind you that to use marijuana seeds as a sowing material (cultivation of cannabis plant) is prohibited in many countries.