How to germinate the seeds of cannabis
Germinating of cannabis seeds is an important thing. Germination of the seeds in the soil when you buy its, is below average. Before you plant marijuana seeds, you first need to germinate them, which will allow you to have to 100% germination, but for gentle plant guarantees rapid growth.
There are a lot of methods of germinations. And each experienced grower has, probably, their own discovers and applies his specific know-how, complementing and improving the methods of how to germinate marijuana seeds simply and effectively. The shelf life and quality of cannabis seed storage are a significant role in seeds germination.
Method of D. Sanches
To avoid problems when cannabis seeds start to germinate, we recommend using the simplest and most accessible method. It will allow for 1-2 days germinating marijuana seeds at home. This is the “D. Sanches” method, its name called by the name of its author.
This method shows us that everything ingenious is so simple. This is a great option for germinating marijuana seeds.

To get a small germinate from the seeds, it’s enough to have:
• Two large clean new kitchen sponges;
• Plastic zip-lock bag;
• A glass of clean, settled or filtered, but not boiled water;
• Seeds.
The technology will work in a series of simple steps:

• marijuana seeds are evenly distributed in the center of one of the sponges, after which they are covered with a second sponge;
• this “sandwich” is poured with water from a glass (100-150 ml) so the liquid evenly soaks the sponges;

• moistened sponges are placed in the zip-lock plastic bag;
• before closing the bag, warm air must be breathed into it (firstly, heat, and secondly, carbon dioxide intensifies the germination process, thirdly, the seeds in the bag will have a sufficient supply of oxygen);
• a sealed bag hided in a dark, warm place for a day;

• after the specified period, you can check the result (usually, this is 100% germination of quality fresh seeds F1).
X method
Another simple and easy to implement, even in the absence of any skills when you work with marijuana seeds, is method X (the x-method). Many growers consider it the best solution for the question of how to germinate cannabis seeds correctly, and recommend it for beginners.
You will need:

• A glass;
• Water from the tap (allowed and it is good with chlorine, which will have an antifungal effect);
• Seeds;
• Cotton pads;
• Plastic food container with the lid.

• Cannabis seeds are placed in a glass of tap water for at least a day; during this time, the shell softens, and the seeds are saturated with water;

• After the seeds have swollen and drowned, and sometimes opened, releasing a tiny spine, a cotton pad moistened with water is placed on the bottom of the plastic container, seeds are laid on it, and then they are covered with a second wetted disc;

• The container is closed with a lid and sent to a warm (24-27 ° C) dark place for 2-3 days, it is like a greenhouse;

• At the end of the term, a sufficiently long root should already appear from each seed.
The method of germination of hard seeds

How to germinate cannabis seeds, which because of their variety, age or storage conditions have the minimum chance of dropping their carapace and releasing a spine on? A simple method will allow solving the problem, for the implementation of which it is necessary to stock up:
• Seeds;
• Pure water with a pH level of 5.0-7.0;
• Hydrogen peroxide;
• Glasses and a plate;
• Cotton pads or foam rubber with a thickness of 3-5 mm;
• Plastic bag.
The essence of the method is to “click” the seeds before soaking. Follow thise steps:
• Each seed needs a little bit of bite. For this, the seed is placed on the tooth with an edge, after which it needs to be bitten slightly until a characteristic click is heard. This will mean that the shell has cracked. Mark that this method is difficult; there is a chance to damage the seed;

• To prepare a solution of water and hydrogen peroxide: for 1 glass of water 3 spoons of peroxide. Shake the solution and aerate it well, pouring it several times from one glass to another;
• In a glass with this solution, put into the seeds for a day or three. During this time, the seeds will swell and, possibly, you will find embryos, but the root does not have to be expected from them;

• Using a toothpick, holding the seed between the thumb and forefinger, the softened shell and green film are carefully removed; tend releasing the embryo with a tiny spine;
• To prepare a new solution of water and peroxide in the same proportions. Foam rubber is wetted in the solution (it is more preferable of its good breathability, in contrast to cotton pads);

• This foam is well wrung out and lay out on a plate. On top of one piece, the embryos freed from the shell are laid out, after which they are covered with a second moistened and squeezed piece of the foam;

• A plate with foam rubber and embryos is placed into a bag and sent for a 24 hours to a warm place (25-28 ° C). During this time, the embryos will demonstrate active growth and will be ready for transfer to the ground;

• Before placing the emb
ryo with the root in the soil, with the help of a toothpick you need to make a recess, finding a place for a gentle root;
• Sprouts are carefully inserted into the recesses, poured with the same solution of peroxide and water, and covered with a glass to create a greenhouse effect during the first time (1-2 days).

Everything is so simple. Now, every new grower will know how to sprout marijuana seeds at home. And so that knowledge does not disappear in vain, we offer to buy cannabis seeds on our website.
*All information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a guide or call to action.
** We remind you that the use of marijuana seeds as a sowing material (cultivation of cannabis in order to obtain