Soil for cannabis
Marijuana cultivation is not only an interesting process, but also it is too hard. It includes many nuances and requires much knowledge. Today we will tell you about one of the most important aspects of growing marijuana – about the right choice of soil.

Basic requirements for soil mix
The soil in which your cannabis bush will grow has an important influence on the quality of the crop and the success of the yield. Incorrectly selected soil can make a stress to the plant, but also ruin it. By the way, a good choice of soil for cultivation will improve the quality of the inflorescences and yield. To make the right choice, you have to take stock four main indicators:
• Soil acidity level – pH
• The electrical conductivity of soils - EC
• Soil structure
• Nutrients and their presence in soil
The basis is soil acidity
Each soil contains many ions of different substances, which are necessary for the healthy development of plants. Depending on their quantity, the acid-base balance of the soil can change. This difference is called the pH level. This indicator is measured in the range from 1 to 14. The minimum indicator is - 1, indicates a whole acidic environment, but 14 - indicates an alkaline soil environment. The optimal pH value for the healthy development of cannabis is about 5.5-6.5. The soil purchased at the store is usually marked with a pH level on the package. If you prepare the soil at home, you should use a special pH meter.
Please note that for a full absorption of all nutrients by a bush, the pH should not be at the same level, even in a favorable range. The acid-base balance should constantly “move” within the comfortable limits of marijuana.
Soil conductivity
The EC indicator shows the presence of nutrients in the soil, or rather, their concentration. Unchanged throughout the entire period of development of marijuana, the level of electrical conductivity eliminates the possibility of a deficiency or an excess of nutrients, which can cause stress on marijuana. Depending on the intensity of plant nutrition (use of fertilizers), the EC level changes. A device for measuring the electrical conductivity of the soil can be found in almost any garden store. The optimal values for cannabis are from 0.75 to 2.0.
Nutrients and Minerals
Their presence in the soil affects the previous indicator. The most important elements necessary for the development of cannabis are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). You can saturate the soil with these substances just by fertilizing, but the best a certain amount of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen should be contained in the soil from the start. That is why; marijuana will receive all the necessary substances from the beginning of development.

If you buy soil in a store, you will see the NPK proportional ratio, which is usually indicated on the package. The indicators can be different, for example, 20:20:20. This means that the soil contains 20% nitrogen, 20% phosphorus and 20% potassium, and 40% are other elements such as magnesium, sulfur, calcium and iron. Marijuana also needs them. NPK elements content are indicated in milligrams per liter of soil. For example: N - 200, P - 300, K - 350. In this case, you can navigate by the biggest number to know which substances are dominates. Please note that on different stages of life, marijuana needs different elements more than others. For example, nitrogen is so important for growing period, but loses its importance on blooming, phosphorus - vice versa. Potassium is always needed - it is responsible for the immunity system of the plant.

The soil with the right NPK ratio is able to completely save the grower from the need to additionally feed the plant. If we are talking about, for example, fast-growing autoflowerings. But in the case of photoperiodic varieties, you cannot do without it, because they grow long, gradually reducing the amount of nutrients in the soil. Providing the spread with food, the main thing is not to overdo it. The consequences of overfeeding are much harder than the consequences of underfeeding, and so difficult to eliminate it. To avoid problems, follow the rules checked by time and so many growers - give to the plant no more than 25% of the recommended dose by the manufacturer. But if it is not enough, then you can always increase the concentration.
Different types of soil retain heat and water in different ways. Excess of water in the soil is very dangerous and can cause rotting of the root system. Lack of fluid will also be a stress for the bush and prevent it normal developing. Therefore, the soil for cannabis should be loose and well drained - this will get rid of excess of water.
Thermal conductivity has an equally important role. The health of the roots, and therefore the whole plant, largely depends from how quickly the soil heats up and cools down. In hot climates, the soil should cold faster so that the roots are not exposed to high temperatures for too long. In a cold climate, the soil, on the contrary, should retain heat well so because the roots can not be freeze. More in the article - soil temperature for growing marijuana.
There are 7 main elements that can be used to prepare high-quality soil:

• Silt and sand. Good as drainage, because it dries quickly and does not retain moisture. Usually poured into the bottom of the pot.
• Clay. Dense, viscous, coarse-grained substance, consisting mainly of hydrates of aluminosilicates. It is characterized by poor water conductivity and poor ventilation. It is used in small quantities so that the soil will retain water and nutrients better.
• Humus. It is formed as a decomposition product of different organic compounds. It is characterized by a high content of nutrients easy available for marijuana. Represents one of the main parts of high-quality soil mix.
• Coconut fiber. Helps to make the soil more loose, promotes aeration and even distribution of moisture in the pot.
• Perlite and vermiculite. Like the previous component, they help the roots to breathe, also retain moisture, keeping it in the soil longer.
• Expanded clay. Used as drainage and /or mulch. In the first case, it is poured into the bottom of the pot, removing excess of moisture, in the second - it is laid on top, ensuring that the temperature is comfortable for the root system.
• Vermicompost. This is “humus on steroids.” In fact, vermicompost is a waste product of earthworms. This type of soil has antibacterial properties, and its fertility is on average 4 times higher than the highest quality of black earth.
Soil with the right structure and the optimal content of the necessary substances can be easily found in the garden store, but why if it is so cheaper to prepare it yourself?
Soil recipe instead of conclusions
At the last, we would like to share with you an extremely suitable recipe, that allows you to create a super soil with your own hands, in which you can easily grow an autoflowering marijuana without another dressing.

You need to mix:
• 25% of black earth or vermicompost
• 25% of any garden soil
• 30% well washed coconut fiber
• 20% perlite / vermiculite
To obtain a better consistency, it is recommended, at first, to mix two ingredients, then add the third to them, mix thoroughly again and do the same with the fourth ingredient.

After preparation, dilute the Fertilizer AB solution in the dose of 1: 500 and carefully spill its on your soil mix. Give her a couple of days to brew in a dark and warm place and you can plant it. As a result, you will get an organic soil that is why do not use mineral fertilizes - they will kill all microorganisms.
That's all. This information is enough never return to questions about the soil. We offer to buy marijuana seeds for growing on our website.
*All information provided is for informational purposes only and is not a guide or call to action.
** We remind you that the use of marijuana seeds as a sowing material (cultivation of cannabis in order to obtain a plant) is crime in many countries.